natural HARUMA

natural HARUMA
i really like Miura-kun!!!! He's really cool and most of all, i really like the mole on his chin!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gomen ne~

Sumimasen Minna!!!

I know posts have been really slow this year... Actually, I haven't posted yet for this year, 2011. Well, I've been thinking what to post and how to segregate my photos on Miura-kun so that it will not turn out as a messed up blog. I'm trying to make it as comprehensive as possible for the fans. I hope you can forgive me for not posting for a long time. Hontouni Gomenasai!!!

Well, for now I will give you a glimpse on what stuff/s will be posted on this blog for Miura-kun.

1. Miura's magazine articles:
               a. for Gokusen
               b. for Crows Zero 2
               c. for Kimi ni todoke
               d. and just random stuff about Miura-kun

2. Miura's Tabun

3. Miura's Letters

4. Miura's Commercial vids for Bourbon

5. Miura's photo compilation

Please keep looking forward for these. Please support Haruma Miura always.


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